On Red Hat: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.On CentOS: /etc//CentOS-Base.repo, and sections.all Linux distributions based on (or derived from) Red Hat.This is available for the following Linux distributions ( CAST recommends using only 64-bit platforms): ADVERTISEMENT yum install postgresql10-server postgresql10 Step 3 Initialize PGDATA After installing PostgreSQL server, It’s required to initialize it before using the first time. Check for examples how to connect to PostgreSQL. After enabling PostgreSQL yum repository in your system use following command to install PostgreSQL 10 on your system with yum package manager. You can define named repositories in yumrepositories, and decide which.

sudo yum install -y postgresql14-server postgresql14. Wait for the system to come online then login and install PostgreSQL server and client packages. Next, disable the default module which, as we saw earlier, is PostgreSQL 10. Simply run the following command to achieve this: sudo dnf update -y. With the PostgreSQL YUM repository in place, the next step is to update repositories. sudo yum -y update sudo systemctl reboot. Step 2: Install PostgreSQL 15 on Rocky/Alma Linux. After repository has been added, update system and reboot. PostgreSQL can be installed using RPMs (binary) or SRPMs (source) managed by YUM. In this article we show how you can easily install PostgreSQL on Linux from apt and yum repository. This page explains how to configure YUM package repositories on RedHat systems. Step 2: Install PostgreSQL 14 CentOS 7 RHEL 7. Note that these instructions are for deploying PostgreSQL 10 or above. Summary: CAST does not provide a CAST Storage Server (CSS) installer for Linux environments, however, CAST recommends installing the equivalent PostgreSQL version on a Linux server to take advantage of the superior performance over CSS installed on Windows - please follow the instructions below to do so.